Our Leaders

In my life I have learned that while accomplishments look awesome on paper or hanging on the wall, they mean nothing without the soul to back them! For the past 25 plus years I have spent my time surrounded by and studying youth, the impact of mindfulness and meditation, specifically on those with ADD/ADHD ( including myself) and sharing all that knowledge with communities far and wide. I have the best job in the world...I get to inspire youth to find their voice, learn to communicate effectively with each other and LOVE each other to the fullest. I have strived to make all this experience come to fruition in our sweet little space at The Studio...to make that certification, that experience, that education, that heart and soul feed into the lives of the children we serve, touch and share our love with across the globe! We are being the change we so need in this world!

Olivia Gray grew up on the Outer Banks and has spent 15 years as a care provider for our local community. She started her career as an Activities Director for GEM Adult Day Services, a non-profit organization that cared for adults with memory loss. After becoming a mother her focus shifted towards children and she has been working with them ever since! Olivia has studied Early Childhood Education at The College of the Albemarle and has experience as a lead preschool teacher, after school group leader, boys camp counselor, K-1st remote learning “specialist.”
One of my favorite things about being part of The Studio is being able to see the children I taught when they were 3 or 4 grow with us through our afterschool and camp programs. I love the lasting relationships I’ve been able to build with children and families. I’m excited for this new chapter where I can help our littlest locals learn through all the things I love the most… art, literature, nature, and PLAY!

Cathryn has lived on the Outer Banks for 12 years and has been working with children for 7 of those years. She is raising three beautiful little humans and comes to us with years of experience, patience and a true love for her profession. In 2016 she was inspired to go back to school and study for her North Carolina Early Childhood Credentials. Cathryn continued to advance her studies and shortly after received her North Carolina Certificate in Early Childhood Education. She is very passionate about shaping the minds and hearts of our youth and she is very excited to be the newest part of The Studio Family!